07 Jun |
By Robert L. Cain By the time the Tucson police pulled her over, Randi Marie Hartjen had severely damaged the credit of six Phoenix-area women using stolen identities to rent or purchase six vehicles. How she did it shows how easy it is for someone to take over the credit of another person. Since the […] |
08 May |
Kids are moving back home with mom and dad more than at any time in recent history. The Census Bureau reports “More young people today live in their parents’ home than in any other arrangement: 1 in 3 young people, or about 24 million 18- to 34-year-olds, lived in their parents’ home in 2015.” And […] |
11 Apr |
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is going after Facebook for running ads that violate the Fair Housing Act. Facebook and the government have already worked out agreements for ads that might illegally discriminate against people in the hiring process. Don’t count on any fines or other assessments against Facebook. Facebook has an army […] |
04 Mar |
By Robert L. Cain My old friend John Clark drove a Toyota Camry. Nothing unusual about that except that John owned one of the biggest real estate companies in Portland, Oregon, and could have paid cash for just about any car he wanted. But John saw no reason to buy a Mercedes, BMW, or Lincoln […] |
05 Feb |
Kelvin Lyles had been busy. When police raided his home in Atlanta in December 2015, they found “information for over 300 synthetic identities, fake driver’s licenses, a fake social security card, and numerous credit cards held in the names of individuals other than Lyles,” reported the US Attorney’s office. Police said that “Lyles attempted $435,862.10 […] |
03 Dec |
If you shop at an Amazon bookstore, don’t bother bringing cash. They can’t accept it. Likewise at clothing retailers such as Bonobos, Indochino, Everlane and Reformation. Then there are Drybar hair styling, The Bar Method fitness studios, and United and Delta airlines. None of them accepts cash, either. It’s a growing trend to force people […] |
06 Nov |
Credit card issuers and other lenders are desperate. Their profits have stagnated. Credit card debt has reached the same level as in 2008, about $1 trillion. That means, asTed Rossman of creditcards.com says, the lending market is saturated. Where to get more business? The lenders came up with an idea and pushed it on […] |
08 Oct |
By Robert L. Cain School’s not for everyone, but hope is. Hope can overtake someone’s memory of school experience as he or she thinks about wanting to get ahead and the education or training it will take to do it. Stuck in a dead end job, the only hope for something better is more […] |
10 Sep |
Years ago I worked with a man in his early 20s who drank nightly, and not just a little. Every morning, when he managed to actually show up to work, he was so hung over that he could barely function. He had continually bloodshot eyes, when you could see them, and he reminded me of […] |
02 Aug |
“They are taking on debt that they can’t repay. A drop in savings and rise in delinquencies means you can’t support the (overall) spending,” said Stephen Gallagher, economist at Societe Generale. Any dramatic increase in prices, such as gas or the results of higher tariffs could result in “a rather dramatic scaling back of consumption.” […] |