In recent years we have witnessed an increase in the small business market. There has been a significant rise in E-Commerce and Business-to-Business transactions. This increase has forced companies doing business in this segment a requirement to obtain business credit reports. Conducting business with smaller corporations has increased the need for business reports in order to better protect their investments.
In the past there was little information about small business forcing corporation to solely rely on personal credit reports on the business owner to gage the credit worthiness of a corporation. However, it has been realized that just because a person has good personal credit does not mean they conduct their business affairs in the same manner. This puts vendors in a though position in evaluating the credit worthiness of a corporation.
This increase in demand has forced companies such as D&B, Experian, and Equifax who provide business credit reports to gather more data among businesses. These companies have expanded their database and as result have allowed us to bring you a better product to evaluate the credit worthiness of corporations and small businesses. Our business reports gather information from various sources and allow you to better evaluate your risk.
Types of Reports available
Commercial Credit Report plus
This report offers the best of D&B and Experian. It contains Experian Trade Payment data, public record, collections and corporate linkage. It also includes Dun & Bradstreet’s demographics data and Edgar financials. We round it off with our Credit Logic Score and suggested Trade Credit Limit from conservative to aggressive. A great full report for confirming the credit worthiness of new customers.
Commercial Score Report
The Commercial Score Report distills all of the information used to generate our Commercial Credit Report into a complete business summary, including a business score and recommended credit limit.
CLUE Report
This credit snapshot shows a summary of trade information indicating the presence or absence of collection data and derogatory public record filings. The report classifies companies into the following categories: Acceptable, Caution, Warning, Serious Risk or Bankruptcy.
Company Financials
The Company Financials report contains financial statements from the SEC’s EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) system, containing up to 4 years of financial data and updated within 24 hours of any SEC filing.