Social Security Number Check
Social Search instantly matches and retrieves the latest consumer identifying information reported on the inputted Social Security number. You are able to locate hard-to-find individuals who may have changed their names or moved without a forwarding address by using a social-based search logic.
Some applicants may provide falsified Social Security Numbers to hide a criminal history, bad credit or even illegal immigration status. Verifying the Social Security Number provided by each applicant can protect your company from fraud and demonstrate compliance with applicable federal laws.
SSN Check validates four distinct aspects of a Social Security Number and immediately provides:
- State of SSN Issuance
- Year of Issuance
- Verifies that the number is in a valid range and that the number has not been reported to the SSA as belonging to a deceased individual
SSN Trace Reports
Some applicants may provide falsified Social Security Numbers to hide a criminal history, bad credit or even illegal immigration status. Verifying the Social Security number provided by each applicant can protect your company from fraud and demonstrate compliance with applicable federal laws.
ZipReports SSN Trace searches 200 million consumer files. Results are returned immediately and will tell you:
- Applicant’s address history
- Applicant’s other names and/or aliases
- State and date of SSN issuance
- The report may also provide names of previous employers.
Search by social to find the information you need
Social Search instantly matches and retrieves the latest consumer identifying information reported on the inputted Social Security number. You can locate hard-to-find individuals who may have changed their names or moved without a forwarding address with social-based search logic.
Improve your collections and recovery efforts
Instantly get the latest address information reported on the consumer associated with the inputted social to help you make a connection or uncover movers who did not leave a forwarding address.
Verify your account information
Social Search delivers up-to-date name and address information to help you confirm applicant information or detect potential fraudulent activity associated with a Social Security number.
Eliminate manual investigations
Use Social Search to save time and money spent on manual investigations when a current address is not known.
Find a consumer with name changes
Locate maiden, alias and misspelled names or consumers who have changed their identity with Experian’s simple and comprehensive Social Search product.