07 Dec |
An acquaintance of mine who works for IBM is expert at hacking. He told me about a time he and his wife were in a coffee shop with free WIFI and he bet her he could get into their system in 60 seconds. It took him about 15 seconds. He looked around the room and […] |
05 Nov |
You would think they would know better. They employ 168,500 people, have 1091 stores, eight distribution centers, and 10 manufacturing facilities, all in the South. But Publix Stores is paying $6.8 million to settle a class action suit because when they hired, they neglected to use a separate piece of paper. They have 11,000 stores […] |
05 Oct |
Danger lurks in what has become America’s credit jungle. While the danger is an issue for all, it can be a huge concern for employers and landlords. Here’s why. More than a third of people with a credit file, 35 percent, are in collection, some 77 million people with an average collection debt of $5,178 […] |
05 Sep |
Average isn’t always average, is it? If we look at the overall credit card debt without regard to income, education, and age, the average credit card balance is $3,600. But that’s only per person for resident U.S. adults. That includes people who don’t have a credit card and who have a Social Security Number reports […] |
05 Aug |
It’s called FICO 9. That’s the descendant of FICOs 1 through 8, the credit scores spawned from the Fair Isaac Corporation, the credit-scoring company. The FICO score, a number between 300 and 850 that many lenders use to judge the creditworthiness of prospective borrowers. The higher the better for borrowers since a higher score can […] |
05 Jul |
“It’s not fair!” So goes the mantra of prospective employees and tenants who have been turned down for employment or renting because of poor credit. Is it fair? What I used to ask my children when they said that was “Why isn’t it fair?” They stopped asking soon after that. Looking at the responses of […] |
05 Jun |
The US Department of Labor offers the following statistics: 53% of all job applications contain inaccurate information. 49% of the 3,100 hiring managers surveyed had caught a job applicant fabricating some part of his/her resume. 34% of all application forms contain outright lies about experience, education, and ability to perform essential functions on the job. […] |